Monday, August 12, 2013

If I Go On A Juice Fast, Where Does My Protein Come From?

A common concern for anyone seriously contemplation going on a juice fast to lose weight is where to get their protein.

The first thing to recognize is that vegetables have some protein. Spinach, broccoli, lettuce, and cabbage all contain significant amounts of protein. For instance, a cup of spinach contains about 5.3 grams of protein and a cup of broccoli has about 4.6 grams.  ( source)

So ...selecting veggies that have the most protein can go a long way in ensuring you have adequate protein in your daily diet.

The second thing is to realize that we typically feel like we need more protein than we really do.

How much protein do we need? It depends.

Here is a calculator to help you best answer that question as it relates to you!

Lastly, you can boost your protein intake with a powder.

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