Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tom Venuto

The next several posts will be by natural bodybuilder and the author of Burn The Fat Feed the Muscle , Tom Venuto.

Tom's 340 page download-able book has quickly become the 'Fat Burning Bible'. I think the next several posts by Tom will show that he's for real and Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle may just be the permanent solution to your fat loss struggles.

Tom has successfully coached fitness models and bodybuilders. He's helped them achieve single digit body fat levels. And he does it without pills, supplements, or other gimmicks.

Losing body fat is not easy. The weight loss industry tries to make us feel that its easy. But it takes hard work and the right information. Tom know what he's talking about and gives it to you straight. I think that's what we really want. The true facts and not the hype and deception that we get so much of nowadays.

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